my boy

my boy
playing nice in the world's sandbox

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Where we live

We live in a beautiful place. The air is clean. That's because the wind blows, mostly in a Northern direction, and it blows a lot. Most days we don't mind. Or we're getting used to it. Spring and Fall are best here, not too hot, not too cold. Winter can be cccccold. Summer can be h o t. But not as hot as 'down the hill'. Speaking of which, we have a BEAUTIFUL VIEW. Of down the hill, that is. We have lived up here since you were an itty bitty baby in my belly. Since December 22nd, 2004.

We moved up here in the middle of winter and it was COLD!!! Your Daddy built our fence out of cross-arms and wire that was dumped into bins to be recycled. But he recycled it first. Into a nice fence around half of our property. In 21 days we will have lived up here for a year. And you will be six months old and one day. Soon we will have a house for you to play in, to scoot around on all fours, doorways for you to bounce up and down in your Johnny Jump Up Jumper. And we'll probably get you a walker so you can scoot around in that too. You'll learn lots of things in that house. It will be a house of Firsts. Our First house, your first house, your first steps, your first fall. And we'll of course kiss it and make it feel better.

We live in a nice place. You'll like it here I promise. We will make this place our HOME.

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