my boy

my boy
playing nice in the world's sandbox

Friday, November 18, 2005

Sick Today

Sick today. Yep. And you still smiled. UNBELIEVABLE. You are a trooper. Woke up this morning at 5:12AM and had a stuffy runny nose, and a fever. Took your temperature and it was 100.8 ~ not a true emergency, afterall, a fever's purpose is to spike, enough to "kill" whatever is trying to invade the body. I cleaned your eyes with a warm, damp washcloth, and then suctioned your nose with a bulb syringe, seeing as you don't know how to blow your nose yet. You are only a few days away from being five months old.

Then I sprayed some saline up your nose. Boy oh boy how you hate that. Turning your head this way and that. But, we got something accomplished and you smiled. Haha! I can't believe after waking up with a FEVER, A runny nose, and goopy eyes, you SMILED. You're unbelievable kid. I thought for SURE you'd be crying, cranky and inconsolable. Nope, not you.

Around 6:00AM I gave you a half dose of some cold medicine thinking it might help you feel better. No sooner than half a minute later, you vomited all over your daddy, me and the bed. Guess you didn't like the taste of that medicine. And I mean to tell you, it wasn't just a little spit up; it was projectile and plentiful. Yuck. Another good use for the phrase "no use crying over spilt (spitup?) milk. I crack myself up.

Ahem, anyhow, I called the doctor's office and the answering service told me to call back after 8AM. So you nursed a bit and we dozed off while Daddy left for work. Woke up and called the doctor's office again. No openings. Uh oh. Oh wait, she said, I can put him in the "procedure clinic". Ok, can you be here @ 9:15? (It was 8:30) I said YES, we'll be there. (We live 45 minutes away, and I still had pajamas on) We were off and not like a herd of turtles either. We didn't make it at 9:15. We arrived @ 9:30, but they signed us in anyway. Nice ladies.

Weighed you a few minutes later @ 18 lbs. 7 ozs. (that's an 11lb weight gain in just shy of five months) and then guess who we saw? Yep, you guessed right, Dr. Keidel, our family practice doctor who helped Dr. Avants to deliver you. He came over, hugged us and carried you to the exam room. We gushed and "oohed" over you for a few minutes, exchanging niceties and then he said you'd be fine. He explained to me what fever was for, and how to tell if you're getting through it fine, or whether you need medical attention. Turns out we could have stayed home. But I'm glad we went, glad we got to see Dr. Keidel and also, Dr. Chand gave me a real nice compliment. He said I am a good mom.

So, out to the car we went, my mind at ease after showing the doctor the Baby Vicks, Saline Spray, Cold Medicine, the bulb syringe, and having described our cool mist vaporizer - feeling like I could get you well on my own. Ok, but with a little field trip to grandma's work, then to the chiropractor for an added oomph for our immune systems.

Now you're in bed. Had a bath with menthol and eucalyptus infused water, and Baby Vicks rubbed into your chest, compliments of Daddy. Fresh clean and soft pajama's, some nursing, and you were out like a light.

Sick today. And still smiled. I'm smiling too, feeling like I did good by you, making sure you will get well. Taking care of you the best way I know how. It never occured to me that I would NOT be a good mom. But it sure is nice to hear it. I guess if I listen closely, shhhh..... I can hear it ~ in your smile.

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