You are growing so fast. They say that a human grows more in the first five months than they will in their entire lifetime. That's pretty fast. You are already nearly as heavy as Heidi, and she is only three months older than you, and at her adult height.
I am so distracted lately, I just realized that I never sent out your Birth Announcements. I thought jokingly, maybe I should send those out with your 1st Birthday Party invitations....but really, I do feel like I've procrastinated on some important stuff. But if I shove it into focus with the "Big Picture" it seems meaningless. Meaningless compared to all the mornings we've spent with Daddy giggling and all the naptimes we've snuggled looking into each others eyes, smiling at one another. Singing in the car, shopping together, meeting with GG Roc Roc, Grandma and Auntie Jenn for lunches.
You are already wearing 6-9 months size clothing. You are 17lbs and 4 ozs and amazingly 27" tall. These stats as of Monday November 7th. On which date you received your second set of vaccinations. You cried so hard. But not for long. I winced for you, when she put the little tiny needle in your thigh, knowing you'd be hurt. Your eyes blue shone through those stinging tears and gave me quite a look. You got over it quickly though, as I knew you would.
Just like me you are; quick to anger but easy to please. Volatile I guess you could call us. What a good baby he is, everyone exclaims. I never thought you would be any other way. It never occurred to me that you mightn't sleep through the night, or be a "happy" baby vs. a fussy baby. Oh sure, you have your moments, as we all do. But you're pretty clear what you want and need. Diaper change, food, cuddles, sleep, play. That's about it for you at this point. You like to suck your thumb. I did too.
You are growing so fast. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world. And so does your Daddy.
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