my boy

my boy
playing nice in the world's sandbox

Monday, October 31, 2005

What day IS it?

It's Monday Monday, that day after the too short weekend and the beginning of your week. I have lost track of exactly what day it is. I happen to think of days in terms of things to do. The first and third Mondays are TRASH DAYS. The rest of the days are opportinities to give more love to my precious son. To watch him wake up just a little taller and noticing one more thing each day.

Our days run into each other, with no regard to what was left behind or what might be ahead. Tuesdays we might go grocery shopping, or Sundays we might stay home all day in our pajama's until noon. Thursdays we might go visiting Grandma or GG RocRoc (great grandma) or meet them for lunch where we giggle and laugh together and try to feed the baby ice water and touch a lemon wedge to his tongue just to see his sour face. There are days where naps are long and baths are taken twice, and others where mom's had two cups of coffee instead of one, which makes for short short naps and early bedtimes.

All in all, I'm so glad for each day I have. I'm so so very blessed and am grateful to God every day for the life I've created, by many mis-steps and some purposely directional choices that has landed me here. On THIS day. A Monday. Where when I have to get up and go to work, it is for my son. At home. The best job a Mother could love.

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