my boy

my boy
playing nice in the world's sandbox

Thursday, October 27, 2005

THIS time, I really mean it

I've told myself over and over again, I need to lose weight and be fit. I want to be able to hike, bike and bend over to tie my shoes with the best of them. But, this time, I mean it. Now I really want to be fit for my son. I want to play @ the park, chasing him between the monkey bars and the sand pit, not running out of breath and having to sit down telling him, "come over here honey, mommy's tired".

It's just that simple, don't take in more calories than you are active. But how come it's so complicated? I'm breastfeeding my child, so I have to be careful with restricted calorie intake, lest my milk start to dry up. I need lots of protein, fresh fruit and veggies, and water water and more water. I think I know what it is. I'm not active enough. And there is no real nutritional need for Oreo's and milk at 11pm.

According to those height/weight charts, at 5 feet 3 inches tall, I should weigh approximately 130 pounds. That means I have to lose 50 pounds?!?!? (I haven't weighed that since I was in 8th grade). Although, I have weighed 145 and that was a perfect weight for me. I wore a size 9 without bulges and my breasts weren't quite so pendulous. (will I regret writing that in a blog?) So, what's the plan? (I'm asking out loud here). . . Walking, three to five times per week, for a minimum of 30 minutes. I can do that. Around here, there are lots of hills, so it is initially intimidating until you actually GET THE STROLLER out, pop on the tennis shoes and GO! Oh and I must not forget that rain doesn't count either, I can jump in the car with the kid and get to the nearest mall. Although, that might be tempting - and expensive. But hey, at each ten pound interval, I can reward myself with one new clothing item that fits!

So I start today, and if it isn't an unreasonable goal, I'd like to lose 35 pounds by the time my son is one year old. There we have it folks, a bona fide goal in writing - can't back out now. Or should I say back 'space'. I just really need to do it, and to find the motivation from within, instead of from a magazine, book, or ad on tv for weight loss surgery, it has to come from ME to be real and long lasting.

Off I go to look up a few articles on dieting while breastfeeding and try to adapt it to a lifestyle change, instead of a short term goal. Eddie Jr., this time I mean it.

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