my boy

my boy
playing nice in the world's sandbox

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Sentences, and more...

Watching a child grow is like riding on a fast-moving train, trying to take in all the scenery, and store it in memory.

"baby want milk, mommy". "baby pee on a tree". "mommy make supper?".

Yeah, those are them. Baby sentences. Compliments of a strong-willed, smarter-than-your-average-chicken nearly three year old offspring.

I was looking in the mirror the other day and admiring the fact that I still look like me, when I hear this voice calling from the other end of the house, "mommy, mommy, MOMMY!!!" and I realized, eyes widening, "I'm a MOTHER!". I mean, don't get me wrong, I've known I was a mother since I had the never-to-be-humble opportunity to pee on a stick and see a little pink line appear but occasionally, it hits you. Like a wrinkle. I mean, you KNOW you're going to get them, but when they become visible (in the dark!) it becomes REAL.

Like the Velveteen Rabbit. Ever hear or read that story? Meryl Streep does a great job at narrating the story with some fabulous George Winston piano work. I highly recommend it. Anyway, being a mother is not something you become all at once. You evolve, somewhat, into the role. And being able to interpret 'baby sentences' is kinda like getting a diploma, or a masters degree.

I jokingly refer to myself as a household executive and child development specialist, but really, I'm a stay-at-home mom who likes to do just that. Stay at home. If I had to drop said child off at daycare from 7am to 6pm I think my interpretations skills would be hindered. I would not be 'bi-lingual' in the sense that I can speak adult AND baby.

Eddie has become quite the polite young man, saying his Please, Thank You, and Welcome's when prompted and sometimes not prompted. He can retrieve his shoes from his room, and pull his pants up and down now. Something he says that makes me laugh out loud is "oh my gosh" and "watch mommy, watch". He's a tree-climber from way back.

He can count to three, and knows his name, my name, daddy's name, and the name of the town we live in, and says, "hi there" and "bye bye" to people, when they come to visit, and then go.

Life is good. Toddlerhood is fun. Motherhood is ever-changing. New sentences abound as I type.


Anonymous said...

I pray we get to see Eddie again while he's 3. ha ha ha Unfortunately it took Bubba's father dying to help us climb out of debt, but we are now debt free and awaiting the close of the sale on his Dad's house. If the realtor, attorney and probate don't scrape too much off the top we will end up with enough to make our coast to coast trip this fall, to buy a home and small acreage and to tuck a little bit away ........ we pray.

God willing we hope to see you this fall.

Anonymous said...

I need to see my buddy again.