my boy

my boy
playing nice in the world's sandbox

Friday, January 25, 2008

Potty Training?

The question mark is for the word training. Training would reflect discipline right? Ah. I wish I had some of that. What aisle is that found on?

So, I've found that potty training might be better when the weather is warmer than say, 20 degrees farenheit. See, my philosophy, or discipline, which are interchangeable for me, is that I should take his diaper off first thing in the morning, put a clean t-shirt on him, and let him run around naked, asking him every 20 minutes if he has to pee.

So far I've been able to get him to tell me once, that he had to pee, and he did! We've gone through a few costume changes lately (like 5 in 6 hours) but overall, I think he's catching on. By his third birthday I believe he'll be calling me from the bathroom asking me to wipe his bottom.

I think it will help when I don't have to warm up the seat of his "big boy toilet" in front of the woodstove in the morning before he can sit on it and pee. (we have had success with him imitating daddy peeing on a tree, but, see the 20 degree sentence.)

more to come as we make potty progress......

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